Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Jackie has a wonderful post on her blog today about a Brennan Manning book she's reading called..."The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus". It sounds amazing...I might have to go and get it, I was so encouraged by her quotes from it. Here's one:

"God's love is based on nothing, and the fact that it is based on nothing makes us secure. Were it based on anything we do, and that 'anything' were to collapse, then God's love would crumble as well. But with the God of Jesus no such thing can possibly happen. People who realize this can live freely and to the full...We don't have to earn this love; neither do we have to support it. It is a free gift."

Last night, Les and I spent the evening with Elizabeth & Neil Nickel. What an amazing couple they are! I always come away from time with them encouraged and filled up with love:) I'm still needing extra encouragement these days...work is stressful, but no matter what, God is ALWAYS good.

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